2010년 12월 8일 수요일

Italy Transportation

Italy's Rome transportation

Rome's taransportation cost is cheap. because there isn't excess fare.

Example, Single - EUR 1.00 , Day ticket - EUR 4.00, 3-Day Tourist Pass - EUR 11.00, Weekly Pass - EUR16.00

Subway facilities is very clean and large. Besides, bus is big.

But service and mood is not good.

Subway station is dark and sticky inside station. because there are many moisture.

and we may meet pickpocket. so we must be careful.

Left picture is ticket office.

Right picture is ticket that can used bus and subway during a day (this ticket price EUR 4.)

Using the subways is very reliable because trains arrive at regular intervals.

But, although bus is large and clear, bus have poor transportation.

Ah! we must memorise that taxi is dangerous especially tourists.

If I go to the Italy I will ride only subway ^_^*

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